Welcome to Lexington United Methodist Church

Where We Seek, Serve, & Share Christ

Site Alerts
Rev. Andrew Sanders-img

Rev. Andrew Sanders


I'm so glad you're here. I'm Pastor Andrew Sanders, and I want to welcome you to our church where we Seek, Serve, & Share Christ.

We're a place where everyone can worship God in their way, no matter what their background or how they choose to express themselves. We believe that this is the most important thing: that we can come together as one body of Christ and celebrate how God has worked in our lives.

We hope you'll join us for in-person worship every Sunday morning at 11:00 AM. If you're unable to make it in-person, our Sunday services are streamed live! Just CLICK HERE!

Please take a moment and get to know the rest of our Leadership Team by clicking the button below.

Leadership Team
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Live Stream

Live Stream

Sundays at 11:00 AM



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Our Ministries

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Baby Grace
Family Outreach

Under the direction of Lauren Negrete, Baby Grace provides select supplies for children ages 0-3 years old. Lexington Baby Grace is open every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month.

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NextGen Kids
Grades K - 5

Children are our future and teaching our children the Word of God and the miracle of Jesus are vital to help them grow in a relationship with God.

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NextGen Youth
Grades 6 - 12

LUMC Youth, nicknamed "The WELL", is our student ministry to help middle and high school student strengthen their relationship with God.

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Cub Scouts
Cub Scout Pack 440

Cub Scout Pack 440, founded in 1960 by members of the Lexington United Methodist Church, is part of the Blue Elk District in the Heart of America Council, B.S.A. For more information, visit the Pack 440 website.

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Women's Ministry
Women of the Church

The Women of the Church meet periodically to share stories and prayer requests, pray together, support one another, and sometimes share some tasty meals, too.

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Men's Ministry
Band of Brothers

Our Men's Ministry, nicknamed the "Band of Brothers", brings the men of the church together in fellowship. The Men's Group also assists with church maintenance and projects.

Behind the Scenes of Worship

Want to help out behind the scenes? If you have an interest in helping run our services, click on the link above for more information.

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Worship & Choir
Adult Choir

The Adult Choir is a cornerstone of the Sunday and holiday Services. The church choir meets weekly from September to May (summers off) on Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM.

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My Brother's Keeper
Quilting Group

My Brother's Keeper is a ministry that prepares bedrolls for the homeless in Kansas City. The bedrolls are made using donated fabric, and include a short presentation of the Gospel.

Food Relief Agency

Harvesters is a food-relief agency that brings perishable food items to the church on the second Monday of each month. This food is available to anyone who can come pick it up. There are no restrictions of income or residency.

Next Service in:


Can't Attend in Person?

Join Us On-line
Every Sunday Morning at 11:00 am

Event Space

Did you know that you can rent various parts of Lexington United Methodist Church for a host of events?

We have a large space available as well as smaller areas that are suitable for more intimate settings such as baby or bridal showers, birthday parties, small meetings, arts and crafts gatherings and more. Click the button below for more information.

Booking Info

But the Lord is faithful; he will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one.

+1 660 259 2483

1211 S Bus Hwy 13
Lexington, MO 64067